TOM- So here is the final full colored version of my 'Perfect' story for the Ka-Blam-O anthology. My goal was to make it look like an old comic printed on newsprint. Back when comics were cool, when the pages were thin and flimsy and they smelt like a moldy basement. I had alot of fun working on this one. Eventually, i would love to work on a longer story in this same style and actually print it on newsprint!
you did an amazing job! the colors are nice and washed out/subtle - except for that yellow which just POPS! love it (you probably could've used it a touch more in the last two panels to even out the page a bit). the storytelling is great, and the lettering is pretty tight.
tho i have to say, i'd probably prefer this as just black+white, a better color pallettel could not have been chosen to complement the b+w.
and the story is great too - kinda makes sense coming from a gal's perspective, cuz if it were a guy making the perfect woman, he'd never put her away (a 'kelly lebrock love slave'). broads...go fig!
the one thing i'd say is that the letters on some panels could be a bit darker, but that's a photoshop issue, and i'm going to email you a trick right now on how to fix that. great job!
this is awesome too!!!
Tom I love it, really do. Definitely looks like an old comics print, so consider that a success. And unlike James, I really like the color, too! :)
My only quibble is with your use of the word commiserate; I think it's questionable. Despite its proper usage, just because you know a big word doesn't mean it's the right word. :-D
Also, it's misogynistic.
(The comic I mean, not the word commiserate.)
I think commiserate is very misogynistic actually...
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