TOM- Here is page one of a two page story entitled "Perfect". The story will be featured in a new anthology created by Edowyn Vazkez called Ka-Blam-O. On top of there being four other great artists featured, the book will be COMPLETELY SILK SCREENED in a two color process! I'm excited to see what it's gonna look like when all is said and done, which should be this winter. I am really having alot of fun working on this. I feel like i'm piecing ideas and design elements that i've had in my head for a while and are now finally coming out. A big inspiration for the layout, especially the first panel, was Archie comics. Just the way they always have that big introduction panel with the title and everything gives it a kind of built in cover which I always loved.

Real quick: here is my pencils. I'm still trying to figure out how tight or loose i need to go with my pencils. This seemed like it worked, just enough info for me to start inking and figure shit out along the way. I inked it with a #2 series 7 W&n brush, some nib, and some pens. Next page coming soon!