TOM- This weekend was the opening of the Box Social show at the Secret Robot Project in Brooklyn, which I was fortunate enough to be a part of. The turn out was really great, and Jason Estrin and everyone else who put the show together did a really great job.
There was a really great variety of stuff up on the wall. I liked the clothes line look.
There's my two page Archie spoof.
Here's me and fellow cartoonist Hilary.
My lightning bolt plan fell through due to getting drunk and forgetting about it. Here's to openings!
By the way, the show is up 'till November 8 for more info on location and other stuff click right here.
GOOD TIMES!. I had so much fun at your show until you became obssessed with those lightening bolts. Seriously thank goodness for alcohol.haha teasing. Your Archie looked awsome there, yay for tomasito.
Man, that looks like fun. (sigh) I miss New York.
Yeah dude, wish you coulda been there. If there's another in the near future ( which hopefully there will be), you should ship some stuff in.
That goes for you too Flames.
Word son - just tell me when and i'll drop you some.
looks like alot of fun - wish i was there too. but i should be in town while it's still up - i'm psyched to see all that stuff. congrats on it all, i so love that archie strip. ...when veronica says, "fuck off creep"....
Did they auction off lunches to raise funds? Or was it not really a box social?
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