TOM - Here's a quick one for the
Shelton Diagram Factory Correspondence Club. When I was a kid (or a younger kid than I am now) I used to love reading Generation X comics. Chris
Bachalo completely blew my mind with his tripped out page designs and super cute chicks. Looking back on some of those old issues, they're just as impressive. This is my take on Jubilee, one of my favorite characters on the team. Yeah, it's fan art, but who cares, it's fun.
that looks super hot. i hope you're sending it to me!
y'know, it looks like a simple drawing but the perspective of it is always so hard to capture just right - good job. and the overall composition is just perfect in my opinion. lucky person who gets this bitty.
Cool manga. Did you have a crush on Jubilee as a kid? Come to think of it, she is kind of a Stephanie type. :)
Nice job with the downward angle.
THis is a difficult composition in perspective to capture. I don't think it works though. It works for above her waist but loses strength after this point. It looks very flat and not consistant with her top. Did you use reference? Also it took me a while to think this is Jubilee. She looks more as if she is ripping paper than using her powers. I remembered Jubilee having an oversized coat as kids did in the early 90's, gloves and sunglasses. I think you should try it again cause I know you can do a great job with just a simple doodle.
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