TOM- Heres the first three pages from my silkscreened book. There "6x9" each and mostly four colors each. The biggest problems so far has been the registration, the fact that there double sided, and simply being able to finish this whole thing on time. I have two other pages done, but theres about six or seven more including a cover, endpapers , and inside cover! don't know how i'm gonna do it all, but i'll find a way. Just wanted to post the progress so far. Let me know what you think. Later.
absolutely beautiful. the choice of colors, and the supreme loose-ness of their placement - man! and that middle panel with the negative space car - killer.
can't wait to read this bitch.
whoa! Cool book! If only the internet gave the option of making you come out of the screen and show people the print.....this does no justice to the true vibrance of the color. The other page with him in the cave is great!! You should post it. I love how the you drew "the dude"....hehe
p.s I have wireless at home now!!!
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