Tom- So this is the other portrait from the promo book. Same process as the Johnny Cash one i just left the penciled drawing in my studio so i wasn't able to show it. I tried to add a 'prop' of some sort such as the band aid just to give it a little more personality and hopefully push the fact that its Morrissey.

oh that's hot! I got that it was Moz more from the personality than the likeness. Overall I like it though. The band aid over his heart is perfect!
Thanks man. He actually used to wear a bain aid over his heart when he would perform with the smiths back in the day. That was back when it was cool to be "emo".
nice - the mannerism and band aid scream MOZ even if the likeness isn't quite 100% (tho it's pretty close). great brush work, and i agree, the simple colors suit your ink work perfectly. good job. what sizes are the originals on these, you didn't mention?
moz was a wonderful, but wierd, cat. he had such a fascination with disabilities, and how he could 'utilize' them to provoke sympathy while at the same time poking fun at the disablities and himself. he would wear band aids on his heart (case in point), hearing aids in his ear, thick black framed non-prescription glasses, etc. he also used to carry a bouquet of roses in his back pocket. emo, maybe. homo, definitely! i wouldn't have him any other way. "As the flames rose to a roman nose And my hearing aid started to melt"
I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything but I wouldn't have known that was Morissey if you didn't tell me. Though now that I know the attitude is certainly spot on, and the "bain aid" (are you drunk?) over the heart is the perfect touch.
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