TOM - Here are some recent illustrations from a weekly gig I've been doing for
Nerve.com. The feature is called
"My First Time" and every week someone submits a piece about how they lost their virginity. They're all really short and to the point, so they're worth checking out. AND, if you have a funny, or somewhat interesting story about how you lost your virginity, send it over to Nerve.com and I'll illustrate it. Yippy! The above image is my favorite so far, it's from week two. I had alot of fun with the guys tattoos. Below are the rest of them.
that punk one is great - the way his back and neck are arched really sells the concept. and the look on her face is very sexy.
and the newest one - with the cell phone - is really well-colored. the colors are so unnerving, and combined with the angle, makes the whole thing really work. great job.
yeah I really like the cellphone one; even out of the context of the story, we can all relate. I'm so scared of my cellphone.
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