TOM - Here are some recent New York Press illustrations. Above is this week's story about a night out with Ron Jeremy. I had alot of fun with this one.

Here is one from last month. James was in town, so I didn't get to start this one 'till really late one night. I was super stressed out about it, and was ready to call it a night and go to bed, but James pushed me along and this is what came out. I'm actually very satisfied with the way it turned out.

This one was for an issue a few weeks back. It's about a young gay guy who winds up spending the night with an
older Log Cabin Republican, and finds out that he's super weird and into strange, kinky sex. Weird story. Until next time...
they're all fantastic. the best ones so far, i think. the elephant one is brilliant - definitely one for the portfolio. the linework on the face is super awesome - the colors look like they were painted for real, rather than photoshop. correct?
let's get these on the website....
Cool, thanks alot.
The colors were done in Photoshop, but I used alot of washes and pencil, so it's not so computery. I did have alot of fun with the inking of the face.
Yeah, i think the website is definitley due for an update.
Wow...the first and third are really amazing.
You should take a look at Nathan Fox and Ray Jones.
i'm a big fan of nathan fox, but i never heard of ray jones. just checked his site. he's incredible - tom, check out www.jonesray.com - you'll love it.
I've been into Nathan Fox for a few years now, he's totally amazing! Ray does some really incredible work. His brush work is fantastic. When I met him at yr studio, he seemed like a really cool dude also.
That elephant one is amazing!
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