TOM - I provided the cover art for this weeks
Philadelphia City Paper. I was asked to create an illustration of Philly's pitcher, Cole Hamels in this classic Superman stance. The challenge for this was to capture the likeness of somebody that's not terribly recognizable. Other than being tall and thin, he has a very 'ordinary' face and facial features, not much to take advantage of, like a big nose, or a gap between his teeth. With that being said, I don't feel like I really nailed it, but I had fun with creating the rest of the piece. If you're in the Philadelphia are, pick one up, it's on stands now.

Here is the illustration without Logo and type. Pencil, ink, Photoshop. Until next time...
I saw the sketch. You tightened it up really well. I like the silkscreen offset effects in colors.
Without the type it looks a bit muddy in colors but picks up with the addition of the final typography.
nice job. he's a hard guy to recognize anyway. if they had a photo of him, i think it'd still be just as vague as to who it is.
the clouds are fantastic, and i really like the charcoal rubs (or is that pencil?). the only thing i'd say, in agreement with edwin, is the colors are a bit dark - especially for something printed on newsprint, which will only get more muddy. i will suspect that this partly has to do with the fact that you have a new computer whose monitor may not be calibrated properly (not to mention that coloring something on a laptop monitor can be brutal). i suggest getting one of those calibrators - especially when you hook up the external monitor.
and whomever did the logo and type design did a great job. integrated very nicely with your artwork.
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