TOM - Here is a cover I illustrated for this week's Philadelphia City Paper. It's their Urban Agricultural issue so they wanted do a spin on the famous 'American Gothic' painting, but instead of an old couple on a farm, we substituted a young, urban Philly, hipster couple with the Philly skyline behind them.
I spent a lot of time staring at this painting, trying to capture the posture of the two figures.
I drew the couple separate from the background, so I could give each layer the attention it deserved and then play with the placement afterwards. Here is the couple without the background...
...and here is the background. I drew the skyline freehand at first, but really wanted to push myself to make it as precise as possible, so I wound up tracing my original drawing in Photoshop to give it a real solid structure. This took a long time, but I kinda got into it and really had fun doing it. As you can see, alot of it got covered up when the figures came in, so I figured I'd show off all my hard work here...

Shout out to Reseca and Allie at Philly City Paper, I always have a great time doing work for them! Anyway, if you're in Philly, the issue comes out today, so pick up a copy and check it out!
I'm really liking the thinner lines on this. It fits the mood of the drawing really well. Also, the extra time on the background really paid off!
Thanks, Alex. Yeah, I really tried something slightly different with the line weights this time, thanks for noticing.
I like how you handled the background, the overall piece came out really nice. At first, I was thinking that you could've done something different with the pitchfork, but then I realized that it probably would've lost the connection to the original painting it was based on. Plus, it nails down the theme of agriculture. Really nice piece - did this come out yet? It'd be cool to see it with the masthead.
This is great man - I like how you've used more digital elements than you usually do. It looks awesome. The posture/gestures are so dead on.
I agree with Jon, take a pic of the printed cover and tweet it or something, I'd love to see how it looks.
Thanks, guys!
Jon- it's funny you should mention the pitchfork, I actuallly originally drew it in Photoshop, but the editor wanted me to hand draw it to keep it consistent with the way the people were drawn.
Flames-I'm still waiting to see the actual printed cover, but when it comes in, I'll totally tweet it.
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