TOM - This drawing was inspired by something I read on Wikipedia about Marilyn Monroe recently. According to the article, after Marilyn's death, her ex husband Joe DiMaggio 'had a half-dozen red roses delivered to her crypt three times a week' for 20 years. Pretty intense,right? Kinda sad and beautiful too though. It definitely inspired me to make an illustration out of it. Hope everyone's having a good weekend!
Good likenesses. Joe almost looks like you a bit.
good call - Tom DiMaggio! Close enough.
Anyway, I really like this - a totally different style for you, but I really dig it. Almost has a Walt Simonson feel to the line work, especially her hair and the roses (man, I love Walt Simonson).
Only complaint is the same I always offer - I wish you would elaborate on your process. I'm so curious how this was assembled.
I like the experimentation you've been doing with trying different approaches with lines and colors. The areas where you leave out lines really make the heavy lines pop. Good job on this one.
Thanks guys! Ha, I guess I could add Joe to my doppleganger list now as well...thanks for noticing the differences in approaches, it's something I've been playing around with lately. As far as process goes, this actually started as a black and white in my sketchbook, then I through it into Photshop and went to town. I know, I should probably elaborate more in my posts...
Love it!!
Oh great work..you reallys hould put up pictures of how you got to this result! That would be great :D
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