TOM - Here's a new promo piece I did recently. The idea behind it is about how newspapers are sadly becoming obsolete with the Internet being the fastest, most accessible way for people to get their news. Due to news blogs, podcast, and video feeds, newspapers are quickly becoming a thing of the past. I see much less newspaper reading on the train and much more ipod listening than ever before and I must say it's actually very sad. As an illustrator, the rush that I get from seeing my work printed on paper alongside an article is something I hope I never goes away. Websites and blogs are cool, but being able to look at an illustration up close in a newspaper or magazine and admire an artists brushwork or how the illustration works within the composition of the page is something that you don't get from seeing someones work on a web page. I'm sure writers feel the same way about having their work printed in a newspaper, since everybody has a blog nowadays, it's just gotta feel more "official" for a writer to see their work in a newspaper. And beyond all of that, on a purely aesthetic tip, newspapers just look cool! The shape and size of them, the smell of ink on newsprint, aside from comic books they're really the next best thing. I'm all for keeping up with the changing times, I think being able to get up to date news at any moment is an awesome idea, I just hope there continues to be a place for newspapers in that future, maybe "green" newspapers, articles printed on recycled paper would be kinda neat.

Here's a quick look at my process for this piece. Above are the final inks, I inked this with a #2 Isabey brush, Windsor Newton India Ink and some pens for the finer detail.

I had a real hard time settling on a color scheme for this piece, so a big shout out goes out to everybody that helped me, including James Flames. As you can see above are some of the alternate versions I went through. In the end, I'm very happy with the final piece.
So everybody go out there tomorrow and buy a newspaper, they look alot cooler than iphones!
Your latest illustrations are rocking... they jump out of the page...
Thanks dude!
you already know how much i like this piece. i REALLY like the original inks - even if you left it un-colored, it'd still be strong.
hope it printed well.
I agree with your statement about the printed news no longer valued as much.
I think the bad side for me is not that the feel of the paper or graphics but rather the chance in stumbling onto an article I did not look for that may arouse another interest in topic.
Such as I was reading an interview of Lynda Barry which I looked for and stumbled on an article on words and sentence structures as well as bomb shelter mentality.
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