TOM - I recently did an illustration for Time Out New York. The article was about how to catch a cab in some of New York's worst spots. The basic idea given to me was to illustrate a group of people having no luck getting a cab, and the smart guy who knows all the tricks just around the corner hitting the jackpot. I did several sketches for the AD, and he went with this one, my first idea, pretty straight forward and to the point.

When I started to pencil it, i tried to give the foreground people a bit more personality and desperation, not as relaxed as they seemed in the sketch. Threw in some perspective and detail and...

...to the inks. I inked it with my usual Winsor & Newton #2 series 7 brush on bristol, scanned it, then...

...into photoshop for some color. After a few revisions, this is what came out.
Check out this weeks
issue to find out how to catch a cab!